DCSD School Nutrition Services is committed to ensuring that students have access to nutritious meals during the summer. Visit https://bit.ly/3VuZxbZ to view the detailed schedule.
Los Servicios de Nutrición Escolar de DCSD están comprometidos a garantizar que nuestros estudiantes tengan acceso a comidas nutritivas durante el verano. Visite el enlace a continuación para ver el Programa y encontrar una ubicación cerca de usted. https://bit.ly/3VuZxbZ Visita nuestro ENLACE EN LA BIO para ver el cronograma detallado y encontrar una ubicación cerca de ti.
Millage Rate Hearings
DCSD invites all DeKalb County residents to attend three millage hearings regarding a tax increase. Two in-person meetings will take place at the DeKalb County School District (DCSD) Administrative and Instructional Complex, located at 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard in Stone Mountain, and a virtual meeting will also be held. For more information, click here.
The Miller Grove Middle School media center underwent renovations with help from an outstanding community partner, a dedicated media specialist, and a talented former student. The school was selected as one of six 2024 Georgia United Credit Union Foundation School Crashers program recipients. To read more, click here.
Congratulations to Austin Elementary School fourth-grade student Sarv Dharavane, DCSD's MIRACLES Maker Award winner! We are proud of Sarv's accomplishments in the state and national spelling bee competitions. He represented DCSD and Austin Elementary well! Way to go, Sarv!
Safe Routes to School Champion
Congratulations to Indian Creek Elementary School STEM teacher Dr. Adam Nykamp, who was named the Metro Atlanta Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Champion of the Year. Georgia Safe Routes to School presented him with the award on May 21 in front of students, faculty, and staff. To read more, click here.
GED Graduation
Congratulations to our GED graduates! Your hard work has gotten you this far, and I'm excited to see how far you excel in your educational and career journeys! If you would like to view more photos from the ceremony, please click here.
Tech Symposium
The DCSD Technology Symposium will be held July 17 at McNair Middle School. For more information and to register, visit https://bit.ly/TechSymposium2024.
Principal Advisory Council
ABOUT US:DSTV is an educational access channel operated by the DeKalb County School District (DCSD), which serves more than 92,00 students. The channel is available to Xfinity subscribers in DeKalb County on channel 24. To learn more, visit www.dekalbschoolsga.org. Submit questions or comments to Communications@dekalbschoolsga.org.