
School Nutrition Services

Program Mission: To provide healthy meals, nutrition education, and wellness initiatives in support of teaching and learning.

Spring Break Meal Service

DCSD to provide food services during spring break

Students at DeKalb County School District (DCSD) will not have to miss a school lunch during a portion of Spring Break 2019 thanks to School Nutrition Services.

Spring Break

On April 1 and April 2, DCSD will offer daily hot lunch service, on-the-go breakfast and snacks, and other services to all DCSD children who can attend at Indian Creek Elementary and Snapfinger Elementary beginning at 11:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Additional resources will also be available at certain locations on specific dates.

Menu items on April 1 will include BBQ chicken, squash casserole, sweet potatoes, and assorted beverages. On April 2, students can enjoy fajita chicken, Amarillo rice, and Italian green beans.

DCSD families can also take advantage of free community wellness resources. On April 1, health services can be found at Indian Creek Elementary. On April 2, these services will be available at Snapfinger Elementary.

In addition, on April 2, nutritious backpack distribution will take place at each school. Because resources are limited, backpack distribution will be limited to one per family.

Indian Creek Elementary is located at 724 N. Indian Creek Drive in Clarkston. Snapfinger Elementary is located at 1365 Snapfinger Road in Decatur.

For more information, visit the DCSD’s School Nutrition Services website at www.dekalbschoolsga.org/school-nutrition-beta.

DCSD School Nutrition Services’ Spring Break Meals

  • WHEN: April 1 and 2, 2019, 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
  • WHERE: Indian Creek Elementary, 724 N. Indian Creek Drive, Clarkston, GA and Snapfinger Elementary, 1365 Snapfinger Road, Decatur, GA

Backpack Meals

  • April 2, 2019 (Indian Creek Elementary and Snapfinger Elementary)
Students at DeKalb County School District (DCSD) will not have to miss a school lunch during a portion of Spring Break 2019 thanks to School Nutrition Services.

On April 1 and April 2, DCSD will offer daily hot lunch service, on-the-go breakfast and snacks, and other services to all DCSD children who can attend at Indian Creek Elementary and Snapfinger Elementary beginning at 11:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Additional resources will also be available at certain locations on specific dates.

Menu items on April 1 will include BBQ chicken, squash casserole, sweet potatoes, and assorted beverages. On April 2, students can enjoy fajita chicken, Amarillo rice, and Italian green beans.

DCSD families can also take advantage of free community wellness resources. On April 1, health services can be found at Indian Creek Elementary. On April 2, these services will be available at Snapfinger Elementary.

In addition, on April 2, nutritious backpack distribution will take place at each school. Because resources are limited, backpack distribution will be limited to one per family.

Indian Creek Elementary is located at 724 N. Indian Creek Drive in Clarkston. Snapfinger Elementary is located at 1365 Snapfinger Road in Decatur.

For more information, visit the DCSD’s School Nutrition Services website at www.dekalbschoolsga.org/school-nutrition-beta.

DCSD School Nutrition Services’ Spring Break Meals

  • WHEN: April 1 and 2, 2019, 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
  • WHERE: Indian Creek Elementary, 724 N. Indian Creek Drive, Clarkston, GA and Snapfinger Elementary, 1365 Snapfinger Road, Decatur, GA

Backpack Meals

  • April 2, 2019 (Indian Creek Elementary and Snapfinger Elementary)
Spring Break

Families Provided Meals During Spring Break

Spring Break meal service helps close the gap for local families

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgmK_c7CFec?autoplay=0&enablejsapi=1&wmode=opaque]

For many families in DeKalb County School District (DCSD), a school serves many purposes. There’s the obvious: a haven for learning, social interaction, and growth; and there’s also the expected: preparing students for a successful future.

And then there’s the not so obvious: providing meal service and essentials to families in need—even when school is not in session.

parent looks at resources on table

DCSD’s School Nutrition Services and its Department of Parent & Family Engagement partnered with an anonymous donor and the Atlanta Community Food Bank on April 1 and April 2 to provide meal service during Spring Break 2019 at Indian Creek Elementary and Snapfinger Elementary schools. Attending families received a hot lunch, non-perishable breakfast foods, health services, and other pantry goods.

In addition, families had the opportunity to receive free health services courtesy of the DeKalb County Board of Health, DeKalb County Parks & Recreation, Georgia State University, the Dairy Alliance, and more. Volunteers from DCSD’s custodial staff, interpretation staff, and warehouse staff also gave their time to help each community.

According to Dr. Vasanne Tinsley, Deputy Superintendent for Student Support & Intervention, the meal service during Spring Break is part of DCSD’s mission of providing “wrap-around” services to all families within the district—not just those that attend DeKalb County schools.

“Hungry students can’t learn,” said Dr. Tinsley. “We’re providing lunch for students who might not otherwise receive a healthy meal while on break. One of our areas of emphasis is wrap-around support for our families. We know that with our free and reduced lunch numbers, mobility rates, and other indicators, some of our families are hurting. This is just one way for us to close the gap, help our community, and serve our families.”

Dr. Tinsley said Student Support & Intervention and School Nutrition Services is always open to forging new partnerships with volunteers, non-profit organizations, and local resources.

According to Dr. Connie Walker, Executive Director of School Nutrition Services, Indian Creek Elementary served approximately 850 lunches during the two-day event. Snapfinger Elementary served approximately 300 lunches.

three DCSD staff members

Dr. Walker said the meals served are just a small step in the right direction for the DCSD community overall, which has a free and reduced lunch rate of 64 percent districtwide.

“Nutrition meals are essential for children every day, not just school days,” said Walker. “We love DeKalb schools and DeKalb students, and this is love in action.”

Dr. Walker said students also received a book bag filled with even more food supplies, including recipes, to help them throughout the week of Spring Break 2019.

View pictures from the event

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Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.

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  3. email: program.intake@usda.gov

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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