High Achievers Magnet (High)

The Magnet Program for High Achievers is designed to challenge students who will benefit from a fast-paced, stimulating environment. The program provide a rigorous interdisciplinary course of study that meets the needs of highly motivated students. Special emphasis is placed on preparing students to succeed through higher-order critical thinking skills, creative and cooperative teaching, fluency in a second language, extensive computer-based and multimedia instruction, and the infusion of multicultural literature. Technology is integrated into the interdisciplinary curriculum. Core subjects are taught at an accelerated level with a variety of early Advanced Placement (AP) opportunities being offered to ninth through twelfth grade students. This educational program provides students the opportunity to excel in a challenging and comprehensive academic Students must adhere to the written continuation guidelines here.

  • Grades: 9—12
  • Eligibility
    • Reside within any DeKalb County School District Attendance Zone
    • 0 or higher overall GPA as of the previous school year
    • Current year baseline M.A.P. Total Reading Score of 75th percentile (or higher)
    • Current year baseline M.A.P. Total Math Score of 75th percentile (or higher)
    • *Baseline scores represent the first the time the M.A.P. was taken in the current year. Testing for DeKalb residents who are enrolled in a private or home school is available. Get dates and details.
  • Selection Process
    • Random Lottery
  • Lottery Pools
    • Home Attendance Area
    • At Large
  • Schools
  • Continuation Guidelines:
    • Students must maintain a 3.0 or higher GPA
    • 71% or higher in all core subjects
    • Promotion to the next grade level
    • Students who fail to meet the continuation guidelines or no longer wish to enroll in Magnet program courses will have to enroll in their home attendance area school.