Family & Community Empowerment

Everyone benefits when parents and families are involved in their children’s education. Not only do students do better in school, but parents feel more connected, as well. The Department of Family & Community Empowerment offers programs and services for students to improve their academic achievement.

We offer classes and trainings for parents and families to help them become academic partners for their children and to become more self-sufficient. We offer opportunities for the community to share their voice and partner to create stronger schools.


Our mission is to promote high impact student achievement through cutting edge Parental Involvement and Family Engagement Practices. With these innovative programs, families are empowered to become authentic partners with the school district; while receiving wrap around support that benefits the whole child.


Our vision is a transformed school district that recognizes parents as partners and fully embraces the involvement and engagement of these parents as an essential element in students’ ability to realize their full academic potential.

Core Values

  • The engagement of our families with compassion and respect.
  • The development of our families ‘ members as leaders and agents of change.
  • The collaboration of our district with community partners for the empowerment of all DCSD families.

Parent and Family Digital Learning Guide

What can this guide do for you?

parent family engagement digital learning guide cover Your involvement in your child’s education can lead to better learning results and outcomes. This Parent and Family Digital Learning Guide will inform you, as a parent or caregiver, as you monitor your child’s progress as your child accesses and uses technology for learning.

This guide aims to help all parents and caregivers, including those who have limited experience with digital tools, those who are experts with these tools, and anywhere in between. Each section starts with foundational pieces and builds from there.