Seven DeKalb County schools have been named Fiscal Year 2021 Title I Distinguished Schools. Chesnut Elementary School, Fernbank Elementary School, Livsey Elementary School, Smoke Rise Elementary School, Wadsworth Magnet School, Wynbrooke Elementary School and DeKalb Early College Academy represent the top five percent of Georgia schools based on the single 2019 College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) score by the Georgia Department of Education.
“Congratulations to these seven schools on this incredible accomplishment,” said Superintendent Cheryl Watson-Harris. “These schools, through tremendous leadership and dedicated educators, are taking their schools to the next level. I am proud of the scholars, teachers and administrators of these schools, and I encourage all of our schools to continue to move onward and upward!”
Smoke Rise Elementary School has also been recognized as a National Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Distinguished School by the Georgia Department of Education. Smoke Rise is one of two schools selected for national recognition as a result of successful educational programs and student academic progress.
These accolades are an honor for the schools and the district.