DCSD Awarded the Digital Learning Grant from GADOE in the Amount of $3,836,800
April 28, 2020 Update

Today, the District was awarded the Georgia Department of Education’s Digital Learning Grant in the amount of $3,836,800 for 25 schools. Based on the technology needs survey and evidence-based research, the identified schools will receive grant funds to purchase devices for students in grades Pre-K-5, wifi hotspots, and instructional software programs along with professional development. The grant-funded hardware will be a supplemental quantity of digital devices for all grade levels.
Due to the COVID-19 school closures, districts have shifted to digital learning to ensure the safety of students and staff. This grant provides an opportunity to support schools with ensuring the continuity of learning during this pandemic period and be a resource when students return to school. These additional funds will supplement and support the teaching and learning goals and improvement efforts of each identified school below:
CSI Schools |
Principals |
Stone Mountain ES | Char-Shenda Covington |
Snapfinger ES | Johnny Potter |
Flat Shoals ES | Laconduas Freeman |
McNair DLA | Shaun Wells |
Columbia HS | Derrica Boochie-Davis |
Cross Keys HS | Jason Heard |
Clarkston HS | Pattie Lemelle |
Stone Mountain HS | Wislene John |
DeKalb Alternative School | Margie Smith |
Elizabeth Andrews School | Merlon Jones |
TSI Schools |
Principals |
Marbut Theme ES | Andre Mountain |
Allgood ES | William Carter |
Rowland ES | Vanessa Jones |
Tucker HS | Eric Parker |
The Museum School | Katherine Kelbaugh |
Promise Schools |
Principals |
Redan ES | Cathy Goolsby |
Stoneview ES | Cassandra Davis |
Flatrock ES | Taijuan Clayton |
Fairington ES | Walter Burke |
Murphey Candler ES | Marsha Sears |
Peachcrest ES | Sheila Nelloms |
Toney ES | Oliver Dean |
Bethune MS | Eric Kemp |
Miller Grove MS | Marcus Kimber |
McNair MS | Ron Mitchell |
March 27, 2020 Update | Teacher Planning Day
The District will implement a teacher planning day on Tuesday, March 31st. Students should use Tuesday, March 31st as a study hall day to complete assignments, if possible, and recharge. Parents, students and staff are encouraged to use the resources available in the DCSD Cares … Take Care of YOU.
The District will not issue progress reports at this time. Students will have an opportunity to submit assignments now and when school resumes and will not receive “zeroes” for any missed assignments during the digital learning window.
March 13, 2020 | Coronavirus (COVID-19): Digital Learning Days Guidance
Letter to Parents/Guardians
As we continue to prepare for the Digital Learning Days (DLD) for our students, it is imperative that we all prepare to adhere to common expectations. While the school district may be closed for an undefined time, our students will continue to receive quality instruction by completing assignments that teachers will provide virtually. Teachers will post assignments using VERGE for students who have access to the Internet and digital resources. Students who do not have internet access will receive hard copies of their assignments at your request.
Parents of Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students will receive hard copies of their virtual learning assignments upon return to school. Parents of seniors, your local school will work closely with you as they monitor progress toward graduation requirements during District Learning Days.
Families may visit the school Friday, March 13, 2020, until 4:00 PM and Monday, March 16, 2020, from 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM to collect students’ textbooks and hard copies of assignments.
Parents are highly encouraged to ensure students have a scheduled time each day to complete their learning assignments. In addition to completing their assignments, students are encouraged to read for at least 20 minutes each day. As a parent, you are also encouraged to reach out to your child’s teacher(s) via email for virtual conferences as they will be available to respond.
Students can access VERGE by logging into the Launchpad by clicking this link.
Our goal is to provide rigorous and meaningful instruction during the Digital Learning Days. We thank you in advance for partnering with us as we continue to prioritize student learning during this time.