M = Motion Towards Equity
The Culture and Climate pillar of MIRACLES represents the idea that school culture plays a significant role in shaping students’ academic and social outcomes. The culture of a school influences everything from student behavior to teacher job satisfaction. Educators in DeKalb County School District recognize that developing a supportive and inclusive culture is vital to creating a pathway towards equity.
I = Improved Instructional Core
The MIRACLES framework is a powerful tool for supporting student success in the DeKalb County School District. At the heart of this framework is a focus on the instructional core: the relationships between teacher, student, and curriculum that constitute the heart of effective teaching and learning. By leveraging access to grade-level, State Standards-aligned tasks for Tier 1 instruction, the district can ensure that all students receive rigorous instruction designed to improve their learning outcomes.
R = Relevant and Rigorous Course of Study
The DeKalb County School District has implemented the MIRACLES framework to promote a rigorous course of study. One of the key components of this framework is a focus on cognitively rigorous and culturally responsive instructional practices. By providing system-wide professional learning and implementation support, the district can ensure that teachers have the tools and knowledge they need to help all students engage with challenging academic content.
A = Attract and Retain High Quality Staff
The MIRACLES framework is changing the teaching and learning landscape in DeKalb County School District. One of the key components of this framework is a focus on attracting and retaining high-quality staff. By putting structures and processes in place to support communication with staff about district level decisions and actions, the district can ensure that its teachers, leaders, and staff are engaged, empowered, and motivated to provide high-quality instruction to all students.
C = Commitment to Accountability
The DeKalb County School District is committed to ensuring all students receive a high-quality education. To achieve this goal, the district has implemented the MIRACLES framework, which focuses on a range of critical areas, including accountability. By leveraging strong leadership and high-functioning teams, the district can establish clear expectations and support systems that ensure all students receive the education they need to succeed.
L = Learning Environments that Support Student Success
The MIRACLES framework is transforming teaching and learning in DeKalb County School District, with a particular focus on learning environments that support student success. By leveraging system-wide professional learning and implementation support of restorative practices, the district is working to create intellectually and socially safe environments for learning.
E = Establish Expected Targets Driven by Results
The MIRACLES framework is a comprehensive strategy designed to improve the quality of education in school districts nationwide. At DeKalb County School District, the framework has been incredibly effective in driving expected targets toward achieving the optimal level of academic success.
S = Sound Fiscal Stewardship
The MIRACLES framework is a comprehensive approach to improving school districts’ education quality and student achievement. In DeKalb County School District, the framework has had a successful impact on multiple target areas, including the area of sound fiscal stewardship. The district has leveraged long-term financial planning to ensure it has the necessary funding for its instructional core and operational priorities, resulting in a significant overall improvement in academic performance.