
Health & Safety Overview

The health and safety of all students and staff remains our highest priority in the DeKalb County School District. The Department of Student Health Services continues to monitor the data published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Georgia Department of Public Health (GDPH), to monitor and guide decisions made related to infectious diseases (COVID-19, RSV, Flu, MPox, etc.) and other health concerns.

Optimal learning requires good health. Student’s success in classrooms is linked to school nursing interventions. The primary goal of this effort is to promote academic success and wellbeing through prevention strategies and effective responses when health concerns arise. The Department of Student Health Services seek to mitigate the spread of illnesses and keep the school community informed relative to school health safety.

The efforts to promote healthy schools include attendance protocols, monitoring health data, messaging, and training. The Department of Student Health Services is in continual contact with federal, state, and local health agencies. Moreover, prevention, mitigation, and response guidance are shared through this partnership with those agencies.

Per Senate Bill 514, mask wearing is optional for students in all DCSD buildings, facilities, and school buses or other approved modes of transportation.

If there are questions, please contact:

Rhonda Cooper, Coordinator
Student Health Services