
Mackin provides cutting-edge educational materials, one-source ordering, and unequaled services worldwide. Featuring the largest PK-12 collection of age-appropriate and digital titles, Mackin offers print books, in all bindings, eBooks, audiobooks, Read-Alongs, educational videos, and online databases. Mackin manages a vast selection of over 3.5 million print titles and nearly 3 million digital titles at All materials are available shelf-ready and MARC automation-ready at no additional charge; plus, Mackin always provides free shipping with all stateside orders. Mackin also provides its award-winning MackinVIA eReader and digital content management system as a “free for educators” service to all PK-12 schools.

Mackin is also a leader in classroom services through its Mackin Classroom division, Mackin Learning, and the exciting MackinMaker maker space division. Mackin is historically known for its legendary customer service and for its exceptional school library and teacher professionals who assist Mackin customers with free collection development and specialized title selection. Mackin also assists schools and educational systems with custom logistics, as well as containment and delivery solutions. Established in 1983 as a woman-owned and family-owned business, Mackin is a true partner in education and the advancement of knowledge. Discover the beauty of Mackin; we really do care about you and all those you serve.