The mission of the Educational Media and Instructional Materials Department is to provide services and support to the school library media programs as well as instructional resources to all schools and centers.
The department’s staff of one director, three coordinators and seven support personnel assists the school library staff (a certified librarian and in some schools, a library media assistant) at all schools and centers in providing services and materials to students and teachers. In addition, the department also coordinates the procurement and distribution of textbooks and instructional resources.
Educational Media and Instructional Materials Policies
Educational Media
The mission of the school library media programs is to provide access to information and ideas that are fundamental to functioning successfully in today’s information and knowledge-based society. School library media programs provide opportunities for all members of the school community to become skilled users and creators of information in a variety of formats in preparation to become career and college ready.
Educational Media provides a number of specific services through four units:
Instructional Materials
Instructional Materials provides the following services and support for all schools and centers:
- acquisition services for textbooks and instructional materials
- facilitation of textbook adoption
- support for schools through Building Textbook Administrators (BTA) and Building Textbook Coordinators (BTC)
- information updates for textbook portal
- management of textbook rebinds, replenishment and discards