Stakeholder Committees
The E-SPLOST Advisory Committee provides a holistic financial overview of the E-SPLOST Capital Improvement Program on a monthly basis. The Committee is an advisory body to the Superintendent in support of the Superintendent’s vision of transparency between the District and the communities it serves. The Committee reviews all SPLOST-funded capital improvement expenditures to confirm they are generally consistent with the voter-approved referendum and project list. The Committee, also, acts as liaison between the District and public stakeholders by reporting its findings to DeKalb County, Georgia residents on how SPLOST funds are being and have been spent.
For more information, please visit the E‐SPLOST Advisory Committee‘s website.
Guided by a formal process of establishment and protocol, Construction Advisory Committees (CACs) serve to increase stakeholder and community engagement throughout the planning, design and construction phases of all E-SPLOST projects that either (1) include the addition of a classroom or major space (e.g. auditorium, gymnasium, etc.) or (2) features a single renovation project that has a value greater than $3 million. CACs are formally established within thirty (30) days of the Architect’s Notice to Proceed (NTP) with the services bidden per contract and are concluded upon execution of the project’s Certificate of Substantial Completion.
Information regarding established CACs can be found on the Principal Advisory Council’s (PAC) website of each pertinent school.