
Facility Educational Adequacy Assessment (FEAA)

Specially trained consultants (former principals and other educators) will evaluate each school building looking at how well the facility supports the educational programs in the school (e.g., is each science classroom equip with appropriate storage space, lab tables and safety equipment). This assessment also includes technology readiness to determine how well each facility provides adequate infrastructure for current and future technology.

The FEAA report will be posted in March of 2016.

FEAA Process

The Building S.P.A.C.E.S Team will meet at the school to conduct the assessment which includes all instructional spaces, administration, cafeteria, other support spaces, outside spaces, including the play/fields, parking, traffic, and signage. The assessment also includes a review of school safety. The school principal will invite the parent/teacher association (PTA) or parent/teacher organization (PTO) president, another parent, a teacher, and their plant engineer to participate in the site visit.

FEAA Guidelines

During the months of April – July of 2015, an interdisciplinary team developed a guide document of what the standards of what constitutes suitable facilities to support the education standards for the Dekalb County School District. The Interdisciplinary Team included team members that represented CTAE (Career Technical/Vocational Education), Special Education, English Language Learners (ELLs), Art, Music, Science, Pre-Kindergarten, Physical Education, Athletics, Public Safety, Educational Media/Media Centers, Information/Educational Technology, School Nutrition (Food Service/Cafeteria/Kitchen), Transportation, Clinics, Counseling Center and more.

The Facility Educational Adequacy guide can be found here. The FEAA site visit schedule can be found below.

Capacity Guide

The functional capacity of an educational facility is defined as the number of students the facility can accommodate. DCSD uses an “Instructional Use Model” to determine the functional capacity of a school facility. This model recognizes that the functional capacity of a school is dependent on the use of instructional spaces by educational programs offered by the school for any given year.

During the FEAA schools visits, the student capacity and utilization of the building will be assessed using this Capacity Methodology Guide.



1 Hawthorne ES 1 31/08/2015 11:00 AM
2 Rock Chapel ES 1 31/08/2015 11:00 AM
3 International Student Center @ Former Midway ES 1 31/08/2015 01:00 PM
4 Chamblee HS 1 01/09/2015 08:00 AM
5 Columbia HS 1 01/09/2015 08:00 AM
6 Arabia Mountain HS 1 01/09/2015 08:00 AM
7 Briar Vista ES 1 01/09/2015 01:00 PM
8 Kelley Lake ES 1 01/09/2015 01:00 PM
9 E.L. Bouie ES 1 01/09/2015 01:00 PM
10 Cross Keys HS 1 02/09/2015 08:00 AM