President’s Day: Schools & Administrative Offices Closed.
Teacher’s Workday/Professional Development Day (Students Do Not Report)
All Work Session begin at 2:00pm (unless noticed for some other time), and will be held in the Cabinet Room, in the Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex, 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, Georgia.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
This meeting will be held in the J. David Williamson Board Room in the Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex, 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, Georgia.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
All Business Meetings begin at 7:00pm, and will be held in the J. David Williamson Board Room in the Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex, 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, Georgia.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
All Work Session begin at 2:00pm (unless noticed for some other time), and will be held in the Cabinet Room, in the Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex, 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, Georgia. The meeting agenda can be found here.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
This meeting will be held in the J. David Williamson Board Room in the Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex, 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, Georgia. The meeting agenda can be found here.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
All Business Meetings begin at 7:00pm, and will be held in the J. David Williamson Board Room in the Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex, 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, Georgia. The meeting agenda can be found here.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
All Work Session begin at 2:00pm (unless noticed for some other time), and will be held in the Cabinet Room, in the Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex, 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, Georgia.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
The DeKalb Board of Education will hold a series of budget and millage rate hearings that are open to the public. If you would like to speak at any of the following hearings, sign-up is on a first come, first serve basis on the day of the hearing, one hour prior to the hearing.
1st Public Budget Hearing (5:30 p.m.)
Monday, May 14, 2018
J. David Williamson Board Room
Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex
1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, GA 30083
1st Public Millage Rate Hearing (11:30 a.m.)
Monday, June 11, 2018
J. David Williamson Board Room
Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex
1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, GA 30083
2nd Public Budget Hearing (5:30 p.m.)
2nd Public Millage Rate Hearing (6:15 p.m.)
Monday, June 11, 2018
J. David Williamson Board Room
Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex
1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, GA 30083
3rd Public Millage Rate Hearing (6:15 pm)
**Called Meeting for the Adoption of the FY2019 Budget Adoption and Adoption of the Tax Levy (7:00 pm)**
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
J. David Williamson Board Room
Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex
1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, GA 30083
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
This meeting will be held in the J. David Williamson Board Room in the Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex, 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, Georgia.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
All Business Meetings begin at 7:00pm, and will be held in the J. David Williamson Board Room in the Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex, 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, Georgia.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
The DeKalb Board of Education will hold a series of budget and millage rate hearings that are open to the public. If you would like to speak at any of the following hearings, sign-up is on a first come, first serve basis on the day of the hearing, one hour prior to the hearing.
1st Public Millage Rate Hearing (11:30 a.m.)
Monday, June 11, 2018
J. David Williamson Board Room
Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex
1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, GA 30083
2nd Public Budget Hearing (5:30 p.m.)
2nd Public Millage Rate Hearing (6:15 p.m.)
Monday, June 11, 2018
J. David Williamson Board Room
Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex
1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, GA 30083
3rd Public Millage Rate Hearing (6:15 pm)
**Called Meeting for the Adoption of the FY2019 Budget Adoption and Adoption of the Tax Levy (7:00 pm)**
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
J. David Williamson Board Room
Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex
1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, GA 30083
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
All Work Session begin at 2:00pm (unless noticed for some other time), and will be held in the Cabinet Room, in the Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex, 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, Georgia.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
The DeKalb Board of Education will hold a series of budget and millage rate hearings that are open to the public. If you would like to speak at any of the following hearings, sign-up is on a first come, first serve basis on the day of the hearing, one hour prior to the hearing.
2nd Public Budget Hearing (5:30 p.m.)
2nd Public Millage Rate Hearing (6:15 p.m.)
Monday, June 11, 2018
J. David Williamson Board Room
Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex
1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, GA 30083
3rd Public Millage Rate Hearing (6:15 pm)
**Called Meeting for the Adoption of the FY2019 Budget Adoption and Adoption of the Tax Levy (7:00 pm)**
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
J. David Williamson Board Room
Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex
1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, GA 30083
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
The DeKalb Board of Education will hold a series of budget and millage rate hearings that are open to the public. If you would like to speak at any of the following hearings, sign-up is on a first come, first serve basis on the day of the hearing, one hour prior to the hearing.
2nd Public Millage Rate Hearing (6:15 p.m.)
Monday, June 11, 2018
J. David Williamson Board Room
Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex
1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, GA 30083
3rd Public Millage Rate Hearing (6:15 pm)
**Called Meeting for the Adoption of the FY2019 Budget Adoption and Adoption of the Tax Levy (7:00 pm)**
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
J. David Williamson Board Room
Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex
1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, GA 30083
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
This meeting will be held in the J. David Williamson Board Room in the Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex, 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, Georgia.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
All Business Meetings begin at 7:00pm, and will be held in the J. David Williamson Board Room in the Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex, 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, Georgia.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
The DeKalb Board of Education will hold a final millage rate hearing, followed by a called meeting for the adoption of the 2019 budget and tax levy. These hearings are open to the public. If you would like to speak at the final millage rate hearing, sign-up is on a first come, first serve basis on the day of the hearing, one hour prior to the hearing.
3rd Public Millage Rate Hearing (6:15 pm)
**Called Meeting for the Adoption of the FY2019 Budget Adoption and Adoption of the Tax Levy (7:00 pm)**
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
J. David Williamson Board Room
Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex
1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, GA 30083
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
The DeKalb Board of Education will hold a called meeting for the adoption of the 2019 budget and tax levy. This meeting is open to the public.
Called Meeting for the Adoption of the FY2019 Budget Adoption and Adoption of the Tax Levy (7:00 pm)
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
J. David Williamson Board Room
Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex
1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, GA 30083
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
All Work Session begin at 2:00pm (unless noticed for some other time), and will be held in the Cabinet Room, in the Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex, 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, Georgia.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
This meeting will be held in the J. David Williamson Board Room in the Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex, 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, Georgia.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
All Business Meetings begin at 7:00pm, and will be held in the J. David Williamson Board Room in the Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex, 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, Georgia.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.