This meeting is held in the J. David Williamson Board Room at the Administrative & Instructional Complex.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
This meeting is held in the J. David Williamson Board Room at the Administrative & Instructional Complex.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
15th Annual DeKalb County Fire Safety Festival
October 7, 2017
12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Northlake Mall
4800 Briarcliff Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30345
October is National Fire Prevention Month and the DeKalb County Fire Rescue Department is kicking off the month with the 15th Annual DeKalb County Fire Safety Festival on October 7, 2017. Come out for fun for the entire family!
DeKalb County School District (DCSD) values a strong parent-school partnership and invites you to discover more about what your child will learn. DeKalb’s curriculum for grades K-12 is aligned to the state-adopted Georgia Standards of Excellence in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. In addition to core studies, students are offered a variety of learning experiences to develop the whole child.
The District prepares students for college and careers through a laser focus on rigorous, relevant classroom instruction related to each child’s needs. The curriculum was developed by our teachers for our students and is aligned with the school district’s mission to ensure student success, leading to higher education, work, and lifelong learning.
You can learn more by attending one of our upcoming curriculum roadshow events. Each event will begin at 6:30 p.m.
To learn more about the new K-8 curriculum, please Explore the K-8 Curriculum Connections Guides!
DeKalb County School District (DCSD) values a strong parent-school partnership and invites you to discover more about what your child will learn. DeKalb’s curriculum for grades K-12 is aligned to the state-adopted Georgia Standards of Excellence in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. In addition to core studies, students are offered a variety of learning experiences to develop the whole child.
The District prepares students for college and careers through a laser focus on rigorous, relevant classroom instruction related to each child’s needs. The curriculum was developed by our teachers for our students and is aligned with the school district’s mission to ensure student success, leading to higher education, work, and lifelong learning.
You can learn more by attending one of our upcoming curriculum roadshow events. Each event will begin at 6:30 p.m.
To learn more about the new K-8 curriculum, please Explore the K-8 Curriculum Connections Guides!
DeKalb County School District (DCSD) values a strong parent-school partnership and invites you to discover more about what your child will learn. DeKalb’s curriculum for grades K-12 is aligned to the state-adopted Georgia Standards of Excellence in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. In addition to core studies, students are offered a variety of learning experiences to develop the whole child.
The District prepares students for college and careers through a laser focus on rigorous, relevant classroom instruction related to each child’s needs. The curriculum was developed by our teachers for our students and is aligned with the school district’s mission to ensure student success, leading to higher education, work, and lifelong learning.
You can learn more by attending one of our upcoming curriculum roadshow events. Each event will begin at 6:30 p.m.
To learn more about the new K-8 curriculum, please Explore the K-8 Curriculum Connections Guides!
DCSD School Choice will be hosting a series of town hall meetings for you to gain greater insight into the School Choice process, and share your thoughts in a family-friendly forum. See flier below for the complete list of dates and locations. The School Choice Expo will be held on Saturday, December 2, 2017 from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. at the DeKalb Early College Academy. More details to come.
DeKalb County School District (DCSD) values a strong parent-school partnership and invites you to discover more about what your child will learn. DeKalb’s curriculum for grades K-12 is aligned to the state-adopted Georgia Standards of Excellence in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. In addition to core studies, students are offered a variety of learning experiences to develop the whole child.
The District prepares students for college and careers through a laser focus on rigorous, relevant classroom instruction related to each child’s needs. The curriculum was developed by our teachers for our students and is aligned with the school district’s mission to ensure student success, leading to higher education, work, and lifelong learning.
You can learn more by attending one of our upcoming curriculum roadshow events. Each event will begin at 6:30 p.m.
To learn more about the new K-8 curriculum, please Explore the K-8 Curriculum Connections Guides!
DCSD School Choice will be hosting a series of town hall meetings for you to gain greater insight into the School Choice process, and share your thoughts in a family-friendly forum. See flier below for the complete list of dates and locations. The School Choice Expo will be held on Saturday, December 2, 2017 from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. at the DeKalb Early College Academy. More details to come.
This meeting is held in the Cabinet Room at the Administrative & Instructional Complex.. For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
This meeting is held in the J. David Williamson Board Room at the Administrative & Instructional Complex.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
This meeting is held in the J. David Williamson Board Room at the Administrative & Instructional Complex.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
All DCSD schools & administrative offices will be open. All students and staff should report as scheduled.
DeKalb County School District (DCSD) will honor its employees of the year for their commitment to student success at the 5th Annual Academy of Educational Excellence Awards on Saturday, November 11, 2017. Each honoree is selected by their peers from their schools and centers. The recognition categories for this year’s fun-filled event are teachers, educational support professionals and principals.
For additional information, please contact
DCSD School Choice will be hosting a series of town hall meetings for you to gain greater insight into the School Choice process, and share your thoughts in a family-friendly forum. See flier below for the complete list of dates and locations. The School Choice Expo will be held on Saturday, December 2, 2017 from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. at the DeKalb Early College Academy. More details to come.
The School Choice Expo will be held on Saturday, December 2, 2017 from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. at the DeKalb Early College Academy. More details to come.
This meeting is held in the Cabinet Room at the Administrative & Instructional Complex.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
This meeting is held in the J. David Williamson Board Room at the Administrative & Instructional Complex.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
This meeting is held in the J. David Williamson Board Room at the Administrative & Instructional Complex.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
The cancelled January 8, 2018 DeKalb Board of Education meeting has been rescheduled to Saturday, January 13, 2018. All meetings will be held at the Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex (1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard Stone Mountain, GA 30083) and the following schedule will be followed:
1:00pm: Executive Session– for the purpose of discussing a student appeal, personnel & legal matters. (Board Office Conference Room)
2:00pm: Work Session, Business Meeting & Committee of the Whole (Cabinet Room)
4:00pm: Community Input Session (J. David Williamson Board Room)
5:00pm: Business Meeting (J. David Williamson Board Room)
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
All Work Session begin at 2:00pm (unless noticed for some other time), and will be held in the Cabinet Room, in the Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex, 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, Georgia.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
This meeting will be held in the J. David Williamson Board Room in the Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex, 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, Georgia.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
All Business Meetings begin at 7:00pm, and will be held in the J. David Williamson Board Room in the Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex, 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, Georgia.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
President’s Day: Schools & Administrative Offices Closed.
All Work Session begin at 2:00pm (unless noticed for some other time), and will be held in the Cabinet Room, in the Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex, 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, Georgia.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
This meeting will be held in the J. David Williamson Board Room in the Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex, 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, Georgia.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
All Business Meetings begin at 7:00pm, and will be held in the J. David Williamson Board Room in the Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex, 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, Georgia.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
All Work Session begin at 2:00pm (unless noticed for some other time), and will be held in the Cabinet Room, in the Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex, 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, Georgia. The meeting agenda can be found here.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
This meeting will be held in the J. David Williamson Board Room in the Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex, 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, Georgia. The meeting agenda can be found here.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
All Business Meetings begin at 7:00pm, and will be held in the J. David Williamson Board Room in the Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex, 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, Georgia. The meeting agenda can be found here.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
All Work Session begin at 2:00pm (unless noticed for some other time), and will be held in the Cabinet Room, in the Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex, 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, Georgia.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
The DeKalb Board of Education will hold a series of budget and millage rate hearings that are open to the public. If you would like to speak at any of the following hearings, sign-up is on a first come, first serve basis on the day of the hearing, one hour prior to the hearing.
1st Public Budget Hearing (5:30 p.m.)
Monday, May 14, 2018
J. David Williamson Board Room
Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex
1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, GA 30083
1st Public Millage Rate Hearing (11:30 a.m.)
Monday, June 11, 2018
J. David Williamson Board Room
Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex
1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, GA 30083
2nd Public Budget Hearing (5:30 p.m.)
2nd Public Millage Rate Hearing (6:15 p.m.)
Monday, June 11, 2018
J. David Williamson Board Room
Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex
1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, GA 30083
3rd Public Millage Rate Hearing (6:15 pm)
**Called Meeting for the Adoption of the FY2019 Budget Adoption and Adoption of the Tax Levy (7:00 pm)**
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
J. David Williamson Board Room
Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex
1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, GA 30083
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
This meeting will be held in the J. David Williamson Board Room in the Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex, 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, Georgia.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
All Business Meetings begin at 7:00pm, and will be held in the J. David Williamson Board Room in the Robert R. Freeman Administrative Complex, 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, Georgia.
For more info, visit the Board of Education homepage.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.
Grad Central Station is your one-stop shop for DeKalb County School District graduation information. Customer Service is at the top of our list, and our goal is to provide our school community with a convenient and efficient way to share graduation news, and a positive experience for families. Grad Central Station was created to ensure that we support the academic achievement of students with equity and access. Beginning in 2018, ALL DCSD high school graduation ceremonies will be held at either the Georgia World Congress Center.
Please continue to check the Grad Central Station Website for updates on the 2018 graduation ceremonies.