Approximately 1,000 fourth and fifth graders participated in three area practice meets across DeKalb County to open the first season of Elementary track in the district.

Approximately 1,000 fourth and fifth graders participated in three area practice meets across DeKalb County to open the first season of Elementary track in the district.

Elementary athletics are rounding into shape for the first time in the DeKalb County School District as a practice track meet at three sites across the school district this past Saturday gave fourth and fifth graders their first taste of competition.

Lakeside High School (Area 1), Tucker High School (Area 2) and Southwest DeKalb (Area 3) hosted as each Area had well over 300 participants to give approximately 1,000 young student athletes practice as they prepare for their first meet on Saturday, September 7 at three sites to be announced.

The students represented 72 schools across the district divided into three Areas. Two more regular season meets (Sept. 7 and 14) prepare the students for the county championship set for September 21.

Elementary athletics is also introducing soccer this fall throughout the county. More information to come on the season at a later date.