As a Ronald E. McNair High School student, Dyemond Dupree found herself hanging out with the wrong crowd. Fortunately, a School Resource Officer (SRO) recognized her potential and offered invaluable guidance to steer her onto a more positive path.

Dyemond successfully made that transition, and now she aspires to create a similar impact on elementary students in her role as an Elementary Security Associate (ESA).

The ESA position is the vision of DCSD Superintendent Dr. Devon Q. Horton for the 2024-25 school. The simple objective is to enhance the safety efforts at all 79 District elementary schools. With the support of the Board of Education, new ESAs are responsible for ensuring the smooth flow of stakeholders by monitoring campus activity and managing necessary precautions vital to the protection of the staff and students and better ensuring secure learning environments.

So far, approximately 37 ESA positions have been filled, and more are in the training pipeline. DCSD Lead Campus Supervisor Glenn Jefferson was definitely surprised by the initial interest in the ESA roles.

“I didn’t know what to expect when we put this program in place. We have more than I thought would apply for a position like this,” said Officer Jefferson. “There are a lot of people who already work for the district who were applying for this position. So, we’ve had a tremendous response.”

DCSD School Resource Officers (SRO) were already patrolling all schools, including elementary schools. However, state funding explicitly allocated to improve school security enabled the District to create these new positions to provide additional supervision for elementary students throughout the school day.

“This is something that we’ve thought about for several years, and for it to actually be a mandate is great,” said Officer Jefferson. “With the climate and everything that is going on, and these being our babies, I really think it’s needed.”

Dupree graduated from McNair High in 2017 and developed a passion for criminal justice and public safety. After high school, she joined the armed forces and hopes this new position will help her advance in her public safety career.

“I’ve been in the military for eight years, and I love it, but I want to do more to make a difference and help people,” said Dupree, who will monitor Kelley Lake Elementary School. “I’m thankful and blessed for this opportunity.”

Dominique Brown is the new ESA at Oak View Elementary School. He hopes this new job marks the beginning of his aspiring career in public safety.

“I’ve been doing security for years. I’ve worked with kids before, and I have kids of my own,” said Brown. “I wanted to get my foot in the [public safety] door and work up from there.”

On September 18, the new ESAs attended important professional development training for their roles. An essential part of the training included learning techniques for de-escalation of students and adults.

“I definitely learned a lot about de-escalation,” said Dupree. “I know how protective parents are about their children. I have a nephew, and I know how I am about my nephew. I want to be able to help them in a way, to help keep them calm, and be there to help.”

Although new in this role, Brown has already been patrolling at Oak View Elementary and has already experienced the positive side of his responsibilities.

“The kids responded to me pretty well,” he said.

Likewise, Dupree expressed her excitement about getting to know the students, teachers, and staff at Kelley Lake.

“It will be a new environment for me,” she said. “I’m excited to see the culture of the school and see what I can bring to the table.”

Are you interested in learning more about the Elementary Security Associate role or applying to serve? Visit DCSD’s career page HERE.