September 5, 2024

Dear DeKalb County School District Community,

The DeKalb County School District (DCSD) and Board of Education extend our deepest condolences to Apalachee High School, the Barrow County School System, its students, families, staff, and community. We are deeply saddened by the loss of precious lives and our hearts go out to the students, families, faculty, and staff who are struggling with immense grief and trauma and those still bravely fighting for their lives.

In times like these, it is crucial that we come together in solidarity to support one another and provide the necessary resources and care to navigate the challenging road ahead.

We realize that incidents like this are deeply unsettling for our school community and may cause feelings of confusion, fear, and grief. In the face of such immense tragedy, it is crucial that we come together to uplift and support one another. Our school counselors, social workers, and psychologists are available to assist students, staff, and parents/guardians in need of support.

Additionally, the National Association of School Psychologists provides an invaluable resource, TALKING TO CHILDREN ABOUT VIOLENCE: TIPS FOR FAMILIES AND EDUCATORS, which offers strategies to navigate these sensitive discussions, and we encourage you to utilize them as needed. The resource is available in the following languages:

Spanish  French Portuguese  Kurdish  Korean  Amharic  Somali  Vietnamese   Chinese    Arabic

Considering these events, DCSD Police Chief Tracey Whaley has ordered his command staff and officers to be in a heightened state of alert. This precautionary measure is not related to any known threats in our area but out of an abundance of caution. To report weapons, violence, drugs, bullying, harassment, discrimination, or a significant threat, please call the DCSD Alert Line at 1-888-475-0482.

Thank you for your continued support of DCSD,

Dr. Devon Q. Horton