
About SAP

DeKalb County School District (DCSD) is excited to embark on a comprehensive and aligned Student Assignment Project (SAP) to reimagine DCSD as it relates to programs, boundaries, and buildings using more complete data analysis, with a cadence to review every five years to align with ESPLOST. This comprehensive planning process will help position ALL our students to Enroll, Employ, Engage in Entrepreneurship, and Enlist in the military upon graduation.

DCSD has fulfilled many necessary conditions to prepare for this new approach. This includes recent enrollment projections completed and certified each October, building capacities, program inventory, a comprehensive master plan, and several concentrated efforts to support families in specific clusters and neighborhoods.

To build on these efforts and data, it’s time to examine student assignments holistically relating to programs, boundaries, and buildings. We know this is a critical and necessary process in the longstanding effort to balance enrollment, provide access to high-quality education and programs, and ensure proper building use.

DCSD is committed to making well-informed, considerate decisions based on the data and input from the community.

We encourage you to explore our SAP Resource Hub to learn more!

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SAP Quarterly Roundup

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Student Assignment at a Glance

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